Our Story

We began producing pasture raised livestock and poultry on our small farm, Rettland Farm, for sale directly to consumers in 2007. A lack of adequate meat processing services in the region combined with our long-held interest in making unique, artisanal meat products led us down the path of becoming meat processors, in addition to livestock farmers.

As a result, The Farmstead Butcher was born in 2017, on the premises of Rettland Farm in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. Since opening, we have proudly become known for creating "Craft Meat and More!"—by using craftsmanship, time honored techniques and the best meats we can source to make products that are unique, delicious, and fun!

More about Rettland Farm

Our Values

At The Farmstead Butcher, we believe in the long term benefits of sustainable and regenerative agricultural production. We wish to support production practices that promote soil health, preserve water and air quality, and help to minimize or even mitigate climate change.

Of equal importance to us as meat processors is animal welfare. We recognize and respect the sacrifice required of animals that become our food, and therefore place a high value on their treatment before that happens.

To support these values, we require the following of all of the animals that are used in the production of our meats:

  • No antibiotic or synthetic growth promoter use of any kind for any animal.
  • Pasture based production, for all cattle, sheep, and goats, with a preference for 100% grassfed and grassfinished animals.
  • Pasture based production for meat chickens and turkeys harvested from April-December, with supplemental forage and access to direct sunlight and natural ventilation during other months of the year.
  • Access to direct sunlight and natural ventilation for pigs, in deep bedded housing to provide the opportunity to root and dig. Pastured production is preferred, but only if soil and water quality aren't negatively impacted. No slatted floors, liquid manure systems, or gestation/lactation crates are used.

These high standards apply to all of the farms we source animals from, not just our own!

Our Sources

Rettland Farm, Gettysburg, PA

Our own farm! We still produce some of our own heritage breed pigs, pastured lambs, and pastured chickens and turkeys right here on the farm, within sight of our front door at The Farmstead Butcher!

Stone Ridge Manor, Gettysburg, PA

Stone Ridge Manor is a local family owned farm specializing in naturally fed beef and registered Hereford seed stock. Exceptional beef for exceptional customers!

Jonathan Brenneman, Lititz, PA

We source non GMO Berkshire pork from Jon and his family.

Moses Stoltzfus, Dry Run, PA

Moses and his family are a source of non GMO heritage breed pigs.